The answer to this question, in almost all cases, is yes. You may be able to get around hiring a Florida Probate Lawyer if the decedent died leaving behind a very small estate without real property and this small estate qualifies for what is called disposition without administration. Yet, even if you do qualify for this type of administration, you may still want to consider seeking the assistance of an experienced Florida Probate Attorney. Florida’s court system is very procedural and these procedures are very county specific. While a Florida Probate Attorney will know which forms must be filed in Miami vs. Broward, you may not and this process of trial and error may become very frustrating for you. Not to mention that this lack of understanding the probate process will likely result in both wasted time and money. Other types of administration, such as formal administration, will require that you hire a Florida Probate Lawyer. When a decedent has died owning assets in excess of $75,000, then formal administration will be required. There is a three month mandatory creditor period where you are required to publish a public notice to all unknown creditors and other specific requirements that must be met. A probate attorney can provide the nominated personal representative with the guidance they need to ensure the case wraps up as efficiently and smoothly as possible.
If you’ve lost a loved one and are unsure where to begin, give us a call or submit your case information using our Free Case Evaluation form. From there, our attorney can assess your case and if it is a probate case that requires the assistance of a Florida Probate Lawyer, then we can provide guidance on what your next steps should be.
Servicing All 67 Counties in the State of Florida for Probate Matters.
Helping Floridians with probate administration, estate planning, business services, and guardianship matters!