Some estates in Florida do not have to go through the formal probate process. Instead, they can go through a simplified process called summary administration. If an estate qualifies, you might wonder how long the process will take. The answer will depend on your specific circumstances, but generally speaking, summary administration takes about three to six months (or longer in certain cases).
Each probate case has its own facts, including the nature of the estate, beneficiaries, and more. In addition, each probate court might have its own specific procedures, which might cause the process to go faster or run longer. Our experienced Florida probate attorney can review the facts of your case and advise you on how long you can expect the process to take.
Some factors that can extend the process include:
Even if you do not have any of the above complications arise, the summary administration process for a simple estate will usually take at least three months and often, up to six months. Just be prepared that if complications exist, the process can be longer.
Many people think that because summary administration is a simplified process, there is no reason to speak with a probate attorney. However, as mentioned, many things can go wrong and become unnecessarily complicated during the summary administration process. You might not know the best way to handle each unique situation to minimize the time and expense of the summary administration process – an attorney can help you.
An attorney can help you in many ways during this process, including:
Most individuals do not have a thorough understanding of Florida probate and estate laws, so each obstacle can seem like a major hurdle. It is best to have an experienced lawyer handling the process.
At the Legacy Law Firm, our Florida probate attorneys regularly assist petitioners for summary administration and personal representatives with formal administration. Let us help you with the probate process. 954-999-9683. or contact us online to learn more about our legal services today.
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